Ready HTB Writeup
Hi everyone, this is my writeup for box “Ready” found on HackTheBox .
Overview : GitLab Community Exploit to get reverse shell, SMTP Password in gitlab.rb file, Breaking out of Docker Container to get Root Flag.
IP address of the Machine :
Phase 1 : Recon
1. Starting off with an Nmap Scan to get information about the open ports.
nmap -sC -sV -Pn
We get the following results from the nmap scan
We have 2 Ports open :
Port 22 : Running OpenSSH 8.2p1 , Port 5080 : Running nginx
Part 2 : Enumeration
The Webpage on port 5080 was hosting a GitLab Community Edition.
Let’s register ourselves and SignIn.
After searching for exploit I found that the version of GitLab was vulnerable to RCE.
Exploit Link :
Following the steps of the exploit you will get a reverse shell.
Part 3 : Getting User Flag
Getting the user flag was quite easy just had to switch directory and get the flag from user dude.
Part 4 : Getting Root Flag
Now I started enumerating the box. I found some interesting file in the /opt/backup directory.
I found a SMTP password in the gitlab.rb file.
I tried using the password to switch to the Root user and BOOM!!! it worked Now I was root.
But we can’t get the root flag because we are in a restricted Docker container. There are several way’s to get out of a restricted docker container. You can read about about them in the below mentioned articles :
Following the methods mentioned in the article to break out of docker we get root flag.
Thanks for reading the Writeup. I hope you liked it. Any type of feedback or suggestions are appreciated. You can reach out to me on :
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